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Empowering the

Black Dental Community

BDN is here to support Black dentists and dental care professionals to become the best version of themselves and increase the representation and visibility of these professionals within dentistry.

  • "What we see and achieve is only possible because of the Thinkers and Doers that have gone before us, for we stand on the Shoulders of Giants."

  • Anecdotally, many young black children do not consider dentistry as a pathway when considering their future. We believe one of the reasons for this is the lack of visible examples of black dental excellence they are exposed to.


  • ‘Seeing is Believing’ and our goal is to raise aspirations of the younger generation to consider careers within Dentistry as a viable option for them.

Discover Dentistry

Our Grassroots event hosted at Kings College London

The Evolution of Dentistry.

Our inaugaral event hosted in April 2023

Partners and Sponsors

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